Leadership Development, Personal Mastery and Process Improvement Company
1st May 2024

08:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Advanced Supervisory Skills


Supervisors and managers are tasked to make sure that things are done correctly and at the right time. However, managing people has gradually evolved, and most experienced supervisors must learn to adapt to the change.
Some “old” supervisory techniques may no longer work. From the day of promotion to the first supervisory role, right through senior management career – however far and however high that takes any professional – the skills of leading, guiding and coordinating the work of others begin to overtake in importance whatever task or professional skill previously acquired.

In some organizations however, these critically important management skills remain untrained and underdeveloped, leaving supervisors at all levels and hence their organizations – vulnerable to the cost and impact of unresolved conflicts, poor performance management and the under utilization of their people and their other resources.

Course Objectives

This well researched; comprehensive and highly interactive program is specifically designed to:

Provide delegates with the opportunity to update and enhance their skills for the supervisory role.

Offer insight to the use of supervisory management tools such as planning; organizing and directing; agreeing to objectives; setting standards of performance; selecting priorities; and problem solving.

Enhance, polish and fine-tune the skill sets of supervisors including dealing with people and motivation, delegation, communication,running meetings etc.

Provide an effective framework for continuous development for supervisors.

Introduce participants to a behavioral and
attitudinal checklist to boost existing levels of
employee engagement.

Develop the Group Spirit and Work Ethics that Transforms the Team into a High Performing Team

Course Content

Your Responsibilities To Yourself, Team And Management

The New Dimensions To Planning And Work Allocation

Critical Leadership Skills Of Supervisors

Team Building And Employee Engagement

Managing The Relationship Between Your Team With Other Teams

Performance Management Using Key Performance Indicators

Delegating Work

Motivation Toolkits For Supervisors

Template For Monitoring Work And Performance

Advanced Communication Skills

Anger Management

Understanding And Facilitating Change

Discipline And Handle Problem Team Members
