Leadership Development, Personal Mastery and Process Improvement Company
1st May 2024

08:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving And Decision Making


Businesses in the 21st century are driven by creativity and the ability to implement new ideas. Organizations and individuals are finding the traditional ways of thinking increasingly inadequate to address many of the issues they are facing today. Creativity, innovation, and the ability to implement new ideas have become survival skills in this era of information and change.

Being able to anticipate and solve problems objectively and corporately is an essential skill expected of each employee. Ability to solve problems amicably and taking timely decisions are two of the most significant qualities of a manager and a leader. This course is specifically designed to provide the foundation for effective practices and behaviors for creative problem analysis and decision-making. Individuals will be equipped with useful tools and techniques necessary to improve their problem solving and decision-making capabilities as an individual as well as in teams.

Course Objectives

This practice based and hands on program is to:

Equip delegates with the skills to analyze a problems so that appropriate problem solving techniques may be applied

Understand the different types of problems and how to differentiate between them

Recognize the importance of dealing with the cause of a problem, rather than just dealing with the effect of a problem

Learn how to generate alternative solutions, using creative thinking and brainstorming

Recognize the different stages of the decision making process and understand the importance of each stage in ensuring effective decisions are made

Develop a systematic approach to problem solving and decision making

Acquire a range of proven models to identify the causes, and diagnose the key aspects, of a problem

Offer an opportunity to practice logical problem solving techniques during the training

Enable delegates to apply problem solving and decision making models to the workplace

Course Content

Dimensions Of Creativity

Hindrances To Creativity

Tools For Creativity Thinking

The Structure Of Reasoning

The Creative Process

Mind Maps At Work

What Is A Problem?

Types Of Problems At Work

Problem Solving Tool Kits

Analyzing A Problem

A Step-by-step Guide For Solving Problems

The Decision Making Process

Obstacles To Effective Decision Making

Evaluating Alternatives

Analyzing The Short, Medium And Long Term Implications Of Your Decisions
