Leadership Development, Personal Mastery and Process Improvement Company
1st May 2024

08:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Emotional Intelligence In Leadership

emotinal intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is now recognized as a key factor for high performance at work – particularly for leaders and managers. An important subfield of emotional intelligence explores how it can be applied to benefit leaders, to use their power and influence. The researchers who conduct work on emotional intelligence and leadership training have examined the effects of brain science and emotional intelligence in discovering what top performers do. These studies show that emotional intelligence has a greater impact on
leadership coaching and leadership training than either IQ or technical expertise. But what is Emotional Intelligence? And how can it be developed?

Emotional Intelligence can be described as an ability or skill to understand and manage yourself and your emotions and understand Emotional Intelligence In Leadership www.rightselectionng.com 12 and manage others and their emotions leading to star performance. In essence, Emotional Intelligence is how we integrate our feelings and our thoughts to manage ourselves, our behaviour and our relationships. While IQ is also a vital component for high performance – on its own it is insufficient to guarantee sustained success. Really effective leaders recognize that they need to engage heads and hearts – emotions and reason – to build the Emotional Intelligence throughout the organization.

This specially developed program provides participants with awareness and understanding of the value of increased emotional intelligence, how it can add genuine value to leadership, relationships; goal achievement and enhance business success.

Course Objectives

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

Gain understanding of the key concepts of Emotional Intelligence.

Utilize strategies and techniques learnt to develop self-awareness and emotional management at work.

Increase self-awareness and self-control; remain calm and poised, and react skillfully when dealing with difficult or challenging people and, or complex situations.

Deal with the setbacks and adversity inherent in missed targets, rejection from clients, internal bureaucracy, interpersonal relations, etc.

Understand how to build skills of empathy and communication, which are critical to developing strong emotional connections with others at strategic levels.

Inspire individuals to commit to specific and measurable goals in order to move them towards greater personal leadership and performance.

Leverage 360 feedbacks to drive additional self-awareness of how they are perceived by others.

Course Content

What Is Emotional Intelligence

Why EI Matters In Business And Leadership

Five Levels Of EI:
» Self-knowledge And Self And Emotional Awareness
» Self-management
» Observation And Empathy – Social Awareness
» Managing Other People’s Behavior Through Your Behavior
» Feedback

Accurate Self-assessment

Understanding Constructs

Knowing Your Emotions, Recognizing Feelings As They Occur, And Discriminating Between Them

Mood Management: Handling Feelings And Reacting Appropriately To Each Situation

Developing Emotional Maturity

Self-motivation And Commitment: Directing Yourself Towards A Goal, Despite Self-doubt, Inertia, And Impulsiveness

Influencing And Communication Skills

Recognizing Feelings In Others And Tuning Into Their Verbal And Nonverbal Cues

Using EI To Resolve Conflict And Confrontation

Managing Relationships- Handling Interpersonal Interaction, Conflict Resolution, And Negotiations

Using EI To Build Bonds, Develop Collaboration, Co-operation And Team Capabilities
